Save Our Sisters Program
The axiom that “Two heads are better than one” is really true when it comes to strengthening Girls and Women as they support themselves, their families and their community. Our goal is to provide a 360 Degree holistic way for girls and women to deal with the issues they face on a daily basis. By thinking, planning, and working together as Collaborative Partners to “Save Ourselves Sisters” each collaborative partner will work within their own expertise to create a Spider Web Type community that can accomplish goals that neither could achieve alone.
The Diversity of our stakeholders for the “Save Ourselves Sisters2” program has shaped a comprehensive strategy that will truly make a difference in the Los Angeles community. We have strategically chosen partnerships that will give our girls and women a life style road map that will provide structure for organizing, planning, and implementing ways to deal with the social ills that plague their lives. We will embrace, educate and empower our girls and women as they support themselves, their children, their families and their community. Through our collaborative partners we will address the following but not limited to:
THE LOVE OF SELF - Internet Etiquette (Facebook and Twitter)
Cyber Bullying
Domestic Violence Prevention
Mental Health
Personal Development/Coaching
Sex Trafficking
Job Preparedness
Financial Literacy
Hair Care
HIV, AIDS and STD's.
It Is Time To
Curriculum by Dr. Denise Batton